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Here are the only videos we uploaded in the first year.
I have a lot more from year one, but I just haven't had time
to upload all of them yet. All future videos (even from the
first year) will go into the main video page first.

I know, we all want more videos, but they take so long to edit and upload. 
I promise I'll have more soon.

Brian and Aunt Kathy playing "kick Max's butt." (Max is Kathy's dog.)  --  5/4/01
kick1.mpg  (1.09MB)
Brian peeking out the cat door (pretty dark picture, I couldn't turn on the light without distracting him).  --  4/30/01
Cat door.mpg  (1.73MB)
Our first video from Jan/Feb. Brian practices walking with the help of one of his toys.
Walking.mpg  (913KB)